If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond or elsewhere in the UK, then you may already be aware that the success rate is very high and that less than 5% of all dental implant treatments suffer any complications. However, if you happen to fall within that small failure rate then how do you know your implant is failing and what can be done about it?

If your implant is going to fail then it is most likely to happen within the first month following placement. It’s very unusual for implants that have been well looked after for several years to suddenly fail.
Early signs of failure
Provided you have followed the aftercare instructions given to you at the dental clinic and continued to maintain a high level of oral hygiene, then the chances of your implant failing are extremely rare, but here are some signs to look out for which could indicate that your implant is failing:
You have been suffering from extreme pain or bleeding for more than 3 days
Your implant feels loose and you can see it moving
You have swelling and inflammation that has lasted for more than a week
You can see there is a discharge or pus around the implant
If you have any of these conditions then it is important to contact your dentist immediately.
What happens if your implant does fail?
Just because your implant has failed it doesn’t have to mean that you can’t at some later stage undergo successful dental implant placement. In most cases your implant will be removed and the socket left to fully heal for several weeks. If it is decided to go ahead with another implant then a slightly wider implant will be placed and for most patients this generally works.
Led by Dr Harmit Kalsi our highly experienced dental implant team knows the importance of careful treatment planning and a thorough knowledge of a patient’s medical background to successful dental implant treatments. Our state of the art facilities include CT scanners and digital X-rays which are invaluable when it comes to carrying out a full examination of a patient’s mouth to evaluate the health and density of the bone tissue and to accurately pinpoint the position of the sinuses. We talk to our patients honestly about any limitations or concerns we may have that a dental implant is not sustainable, and we refuse to proceed with any dental treatment that has an uncertain future.
Sheen Dental has been established for over a hundred years and consequently we are very much a part of the local community. We’ve been treating generations of families and people trust us. It’s as simple as that. If you’re interested in a dental implant in Richmond, then you couldn’t be in safer hands. Why not call us on 020 8576 5277 to book a free consultation appointment or visit our website at www.sheendental.co.uk.