One of the main benefits with dental implants is that once fully fitted they have the ability to stimulate bone which would otherwise be decaying should a tooth not be fitted. Once in place the implant can actually make the bone stronger and indeed denser, and in some cases makes for younger looking and more pronounced features. Here at Sheen Dental we have an experienced team who deal in dental implants in Richmond and can discuss more about it as it relates to your case.
Some people have a habit of intermittently grinding or clenching their teeth and this is known as bruxism. This may occur either consciously when stressed or angry, or subconsciously when asleep. The problems are that it can cause extreme wear and tear on teeth as the act of teeth grinding exerts pressure way in excess of normal chewing which can have a great impact on the bone area close to contact. This means that despite having newly fitted dental implants which are meant to help preserve and strengthen bone, bruxism can destroy both the implant and indeed weaken the bone into which the implant is affixed.
So what can you do?
Areas of the teeth where grinding has taken place can be built back up to take the impact pressure off the implant. In addition relaxation techniques may be given to avoid situations where a tooth grinding occurs. If it does occur during sleep, then a night-time bite guard may well be the answer.
If bruxism is not treated then it can be extremely problematic for newly fitted implants and as such can cause irreparable damage to them and the bone structure below. For this reason if you’re considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond and you think that you may suffer from bruxism, then by talking to us about it, we will ensure that we do all we can to help you eradicate the issue prior to fitting.
If you want to know more information aboutdental implants in Richmond and how a skilled implantologist can help you restore your smile and bring back your confidence, then contact Sheen Dental today on 020 8876 5277 or visit the website at Let Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team put your mind at rest by answering any questions or concerns you may have.