Whether you decide to opt for dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country, provided that you use the services of an experienced dental implant team, then the implantation process is considered the most technologically advanced and natural looking form of tooth replacement. Not only this, implants are also strong and durable and can last forty years or more given the right treatment and care. It’s no wonder then that more and more people are opting to have them if they have broken or missing teeth.

That said, dental implants do have an ‘Achilles heel’ especially in the early days and that’s bacteria. This is often found in dental plaque. If left, plaque can form calculus (layers of hardened plaque) which can build up at the base of the tooth on the gum line and attack it. When this happens the gums become red and swollen and can also bleed when brushing. This is the early stages of gum disease and is known as gingivitis. If left to its own devices it moves on from the gum and instead concentrates its efforts on the surrounding tissue that joins the implant to the gum. This stage of gum disease is known as peri-implantitis. This can cause symptoms such as mild to severe pain in the area of the implant, implant mobility, abundant implant bleeding while brushing and receding gums, leading to the exposure of the implant itself. Often at this stage the only reasonable course of action is to remove the implant, clear up the problem and if possible fit a new one.
So if plaque and bacteria are the culprits, how do we eradicate them?
In essence plaque is a sticky substance which forms layers on the teeth. It’s made up of bacteria already present in the mouth along with products such as sugars and proteins which are naturally found in food. It’s most prevalent in areas that are hard to clean. That said it can be removed from affected areas (particularly shallow pockets up to 3mm deep) by normal brushing. However in the case of deeper pockets it needs to be removed by the hygienist.
The good news is that prior to your treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, you will be given a treatment plan. This outlines estimated recovery times, specific treatments, and ongoing patient care (i.e how to specifically look after your dental implants) as well as dates for continued check-ups. Provided that you follow this, then there’s no reason why you can’t keep plaque and calculus at bay and have healthy implants.
If you want to find out more about how plaque can affect dental implants in Richmond, or anything about the implantation process in general then don’t hesitate to contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendental.co.uk where you can find a wealth of information to help you.