Whether you decide to undergo treatment for a dental implant in Richmond or anywhere else in the country, success rates do depend on a number of variables. Whilst the majority of dental implant treatments enjoy a success rate of above 90%, it’s fair to say that this comes with a caveat in that similarly to other surgical procedures, there ‘s always going to be that element of risk. With this in mind, when implants do fail, it’s sometimes all too easy to blame the dentist carrying out the procedure but is it always their fault?
On some occasions it could be the fact that the dentist is indeed inexperienced and has positioned the implants incorrectly, chosen the wrong implant for the patient’s condition, or attached the implant into weakened or insufficient bone. However, in order for these circumstances not to happen, it’s imperative that patients make sure that they are asking important questions of the surgeon prior to the procedure. Questions such as
Success rate
Experience, and
No of implants fitted
really are key lines of enquiry that any patient should be asking before they sign on the dotted line. Here at Sheen Dental we’ve been fitting patients with dental implants in Richmond for many years and as such have a free consultation with all patients prior to going ahead with the procedure. For the patient this means the chance to meet the team and ask any relevant questions that they need to know, giving them total peace-of-mind.
All of that said, there are also circumstances that are simply beyond the control of the dentist that also need to be mentioned.
Alternative reasons for dental implant failure
Continued tobacco use – Substances found in tobacco can dramatically slow down or in some instances halt the body’s ability to regenerate bone growth. Growth of bone tissue is vital for the osseointegration process.
Bad oral hygiene practices – Good oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and flossing should be adhered to in order for the new implants to succeed. When this doesn’t happen, infections can occur which will weaken the gum and undermine the implant.
Implant contamination – Although most implants are now designed to stop cross-contamination from happening, it was more prevalent on older designs. Bacteria could be transferred onto the implant which may then have been placed into the recipient’s mouth.
Allergic reaction to the implant – Although this is extremely rare, inferior implants may be manufactured using metals other than titanium, which in turn can cause the body to reject it. This being the case, most reputable clinics uses only known makes of implant.
As you can see, it isn’t always feasible to blame the dentist for implant failure, as there are many other reasons why they might not succeed. If you want to find out more about dental implant failure or indeed any other aspect of dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendental.co.uk to book a free, no obligation consultation today.