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Writer's pictureSheen Dental

Affordable Dental Implants And Why The Answer Doesn’t Always Mean Travelling Abroad

There’s no getting away from the fact that dental implants in the UK can be expensive. Yet whether you are looking into options regarding a dental implant in Richmond, a top Harley Street clinic or indeed a practice on your local high street, the one thing you will notice is that costs vary considerably from practice to practice. However despite this, for many people, the answer to low-cost treatment lies abroad.

Dental Implants Richmond

With the onset of budget airlines and cheap flights to the European mainland, so called ‘dental tourism’ is big business. Lured by anecdotal evidence of higher standards of care, coupled with professional looking websites many people are convinced that the answer to their dental problems lies in foreign treatment. Unfortunately many of those same people return from dental trips abroad with shoddy treatment and problems arising from it.

Such is the scale of the issue that it’s caused the General Dental Council to issue a statement as guidance for any person considering dental treatment abroad which encourages them to consider some important questions such as…

  • Who exactly will provide the treatment and are they fully qualified?

  • If problems do arise, how easy is it to have remedial work carried out?

  • Does your country of choice have an appropriate regulatory body with rules and regulations that the dentists have to adhere to?

In theory the concept of flying abroad to get dental implants done cheaply is a promising one. However the reality is that banking your oral and physical health on an unknown specialist hundreds of miles from home is undoubtedly risky. In a foreign clinic for example, there isn’t the benefit of long-term planning that you would get in the UK, simply because treatment is geared up to be carried out in such a short space of time. Often the patient in question has underlying gum problems which should be dealt with before any implants are placed. Yet more often than not the time constraints of foreign dental surgery mean that this isn’t always the case. Instead in many cases implants are placed into unhealthy gums. When this happens, then there is only ever going to be one outcome… implant failure!

The issues don’t stop there!

When faced with a failed implant the costs can rise dramatically. Many foreign clinics charge much higher prices for remedial work, plus the patient will have added costs such as accommodation and travel to think about. All of a sudden going abroad for dental treatment has become a costly process in more ways than one.

Whilst the perception of receiving treatment for dental implants in the UK may be seen as expensive, the theory is an altogether more practical solution that could save you money.

Here at sheen Dental we’ve been fitting dental implants in Richmond for many years and as such know the importance that good preparation, planning, and ongoing care can bring to the success of an implant. If you want to know more about how we can help you bring back your smile then contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at


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