White Fillings

“The staff and Dr Beaumont were as considerate and thoughtful as I could have hoped for. The treatments…”
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Emergency appointments available today
If the decay is not too serious, our cosmetic dentist will remove all the decay and restore the tooth with a white (tooth coloured) filling.
Our dentists can safely replace silver amalgam fillings with white tooth coloured fillings.
Dental decay happens when the enamel and dentine of a tooth become softened by acid attack, producing a cavity (hole).
More about decay detection in our Preventative Dentistry section.

This is a safe procedure that entails the removal of any decay from your tooth, and taking out the metal or amalgam fillings if you are having them replaced.
The new filling is made from a very hard tooth-coloured substance and will withstand the forces in your mouth when you bite and chew over a long period of time.
The restoration is completed in one visit and your fillings will not be visible when you smile.
Life benefits
Natural-looking restoration.
Improved cosmetic appearance of filled teeth while still being able to bite and chew as usual.
Hard-wearing restorative solution.