We all like to believe that we have a full understanding of the activities that take place in a local dental practice. However, the truth is these places tend to be able to offer us more services and treatments than we realise, and that can help us to improve our oral health standards. We all know how important it is for us to maintain our oral hygiene standards throughout our lives. This leads us to ensure that we clean our teeth twice a day and visit the dentist every six months, to undergo regular oral health checks and receive any treatment we may need.

There are times when you may not need a dental treatment such as a filling or extraction, but you may still benefit from other services or treatments that are designed to help you to avoid developing a serious oral health issue. This may mean that it may be best for you to be referred to another type of dental professional that works alongside the dentist in the practice, these professionals are commonly referred to as a hygienist Richmond. They have a different set of skills that aim to help to keep your teeth clear of tartar and clean from plaque.
At Sheen Dental it is our goal to ensure that every patient we see has the opportunity to attain the best oral health and hygiene standards possible, as this will help them to maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout their entire life.
Preventing serious disease
One of the roles of our hygienist Richmond is to treat gingivitis and periodontal disease which can cause serious oral health issues if left untreated. Bad breath, unexplained early tooth loss and severe staining can all be signs that there is one of these diseases present in your mouth and seriously affecting your oral health. We would advise you to seek treatment at your earliest possible convenience as this will help to give you the best possible outcome from the treatment.
Another role of our hygienists is to help patients to gain cleaner teeth by the removal of plaque and tartar, as this will help them to avoid issues such as gum disease and tooth decay in the future. By having your teeth polished with the special equipment and paste used in the process you will be promoting higher oral health standards within your mouth.
Smoking is never good for your teeth and gums
If you are someone who smokes cigarettes or cigars on a regular basis then you may be well aware of the damage this activity can have on your teeth and gums, as it can cause your teeth to become stained and your gums to shrink. Many smokers wish to give up the habit and may wish to seek professional help doing so. If you feel the need to give up smoking then you may wish to ask about the smoking cessation service provided by these professionals who work within our practice.
Our hygienist Richmond is here to help you to reach the oral hygiene standards that you wish to achieve, we invite you to ask about the services they provide at our practice.