The number of people taking advantage of a dental implant in Richmond or elsewhere in the country when they’re looking to replace a missing tooth or teeth, is rapidly growing, since dental implants offer a structurally complete replacement tooth that is unlike any other, and is the most advanced form of tooth replacement available today. However, in order for the dental implants to have the best chance of success, it’s important to be aware of conditions which can compromise dental implants.

One such condition is grinding of the teeth or bruxism. Similar to the way that bruxism can cause wear and tear on your natural teeth, so it can also have the same effect on prosthetic crowns and cause them to deteriorate. What’s more the bruxism can subject the implant (a titanium post which acts as an artificial tooth root) to forces which are far stronger than it is able to withstand. Although the implant itself is extremely strong and durable, bruxism has the capability of damaging the prosthetics of the implant, namely the abutment and the crown.
This doesn’t mean that bruxism means you can’t have a dental implant, it simply means that the problem needs to be addressed before going ahead with the procedure. As part of the initial dental implant consultation, the surgeon will look for signs of bruxism and discuss any symptoms that you may be having. You’ll also have the opportunity of discussing various treatment options for your bruxism.
Bruxism is often associated with stress so your surgeon may suggest that you practice some stress management techniques to control the problem. In addition he may recommend the use of a mouth guard which can be worn at night to prevent you from grinding your teeth.
Although a patient often grinds their teeth subconsciously, they are likely to be aware of the problem. As well as signs of wear on the teeth, a patient may also be having unexplained headaches or jaw pain which are signs that bruxism is taking place. In addition, a partner sleeping next to them may well find their sleep interrupted and alert the patient to their teeth grinding habit.
It’s important that you mention to the surgeon during your dental implant consultation that you suffer from bruxism. He will likely suggest several interventions to help you keep the problem in check so as to reduce the risk of you damaging your dental implants.
Here at Sheen Dental, we’ve been carrying our dental implants in Richmond for many years and have helped several patients, who were grinding their teeth when they were asleep, to restore their smile. If you suffer from bruxism and are keen to go ahead with dental implants, then we’re confident that we can help. Why not book a dental implant consultation at no cost to yourself, so we can discuss your options. You can call us to schedule an appointment or alternatively you can book online at We look forward to meeting you.