We’re all looking for ways in which we can boost our health and there’s no easier way than making sure you’re eating a healthy well-balanced diet that not only looks after your body's health, but also looks after the health of your teeth and gums. We at Sheen Dental see day in and day out the impacts high acidic and sugary diets have on people's teeth and want to help. We’re sure most patients know what to avoid when it comes to food and damaging your teeth, but do you know which food types are really good for your teeth? Our dentist Richmond has some food groups you should be including.

Dairy can be a tricky food group for lots of people because of the lactose and so we understand that lots of our patients have to avoid large amounts of dairy products. Cheese, milk, yoghurt, butter - whatever it is, if it's in some way related to cow’s milk or even goat's milk it’s likely going to have a high volume of calcium and our teeth love calcium. We all know the importance of calcium for children, but we don’t really talk about what it can do for us as adults. Just because we grow up doesn’t mean we no longer reap the rewards of a high calcium diet, in fact the opposite. Calcium helps keep teeth and bones stronger and as we grow we want to keep on top of keeping teeth strong and particularly focus on keeping the jawbone strong, as that’s what is going to keep our teeth in place.
Top tip from our dentist Richmond
If you’re someone who can’t handle dairy, that's no worry, but it’s seriously worth investing in some calcium supplements to make sure your body’s getting the support it needs.
Veggies - the green and leafy kind
Leafy green vegetables are very good for you in a million ways, not just for your teeth, they are packed full of vitamins and minerals that support all kinds of bodily functions. Where your teeth are concerned they’re packed with B vitamins and proteins which are excellent for repairing any damage done to your teeth or gums. So best eat that broccoli up quickly!
Veggies - the crunchy kind
Any vegetable that’s going to offer you crunch is a good thing. Crunch means chewing and chewing means saliva and saliva means natural cleaning, it’s as simple as that. Anything that’s going to help support the body’s natural cleaning systems throughout the day is a plus. Dirty teeth equate to problematic teeth. Gum disease and decay are, in the majority of cases, caused by poorly cleaned teeth. Crunchy vegetables with high water content help tackle this issue throughout the day.
Fruit is a tricky one because some fruits are extremely high in sugar along with being high in tannins, so though they might be delicious and appear healthy on the outside they can be seriously problematic if eaten to excess. With fruit try and stick to one or two portions daily and where possible clean your teeth after eating, says our dentist Richmond.