When it comes to visiting the dentist in SW14, at Sheen Dental our policy is that prevention is better than cure. That’s why we go on about the importance of coming to us for dental check-ups every six months (although we recommend more frequent visits if you are at greater risk of cavities or gum disease).
When you come to this dentist in SW14 for a check-up, we will be checking your mouth for problems that you won’t be able to detect through sight or sensation. The early signs of tooth decay may be visible to us or to an x-ray, but you won’t feel the decay as pain until it is more advanced. The same goes for other oral health problems, such as gum disease and mouth cancer.

During the check-up, we will be on the look-out for problems in your head and neck. We will feel through the surface of the skin for swellings and tenderness, which are often signs of disease or infection, particularly in your lymph nodes and salivary glands in your neck. We will also examine your jaw joint to make sure it is working properly.
Next, we will examine the soft tissues of your mouth, i.e. the inside of your lips and cheeks, your tongue, and the roof and floor of your mouth, the back of your throat and your tonsils.
Gum disease is another problem that you can’t feel in its early stages. These days it is also a far more common cause of tooth loss than decay. So, during your check-up with the dentist in SW14 we make sure to examine your gums for red or puffy gum tissue, gently poking them to see if they bleed easily.
Once that check is complete, we will look at how your upper and lower teeth meet. We will also take a good look at each and every tooth. We will check the surface of each one for signs of decay. You will feel us using a tool called an Explorer to poke the enamel to see if it is softer than it should be, a sure sign of decay. We may also take x-rays to check for decay inside your teeth.