Unlike the standard implantation process MDI’s or mini dental implants in Richmond are placed quickly and simply involving minimally invasive surgery. They’re fast, easy and affordable and often benefit those whose oral and/or medical conditions won’t allow them to have standard dental implants.
So what are their advantages?

Having already said that they require minimal surgery to fit, and they offer an affordable alternative (usually half the price) to normal implants, they have one other main advantage and that’s their size. Because of this, they can be fitted into areas where there is less bone. More often than not, this eliminates the needs for expensive and timely bone grafting surgery and allows people who might have otherwise been turned down for conventional implant treatment, to benefit.
How widely accepted are Mini Dental Implants?
In essence they’re now widely accepted in the dental industry. Over the last 40 years or so, the mini implant has been studied, researched and honed and as such has now become an accepted type of implant that’s been used by thousands of implant dentists, across many countries.
So how much smaller are they?
Typically mini dental implants have a diameter that’s equal to or less than 3mm whereas a standard dental implant has a diameter of 4mm-5mm. A pin-sized puncture in the gum and jaw is all it takes to fit them and this means recovery time is often far speedier than it would be with conventional implants; and in many cases people can return to work the very next day. In effect it’s a pain-free, micro-surgical one-step procedure.
So are there any downsides?
There is some evidence to suggest that because of their size they aren’t as strong as conventional implants and therefore can’t really be placed in prime positions where bite-force is most prolific. However the fact that they are better designed to fit in with compact and narrow areas means that more often than not, this isn’t usually an issue.
Here at Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully using both conventional implants and mini dental implants in Richmond for many years and as such have the ability to offer people far more scope for dental implants. If you want to find out more about MDI’s or indeed conventional dental implants then visit out website at www.sheendental.co.uk where you’ll find a host of information. Alternatively why not contact us and speak to our friendly and experienced staff. We’ll be only too happy to help