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  • Writer's pictureSheen Dental

Do you need to visit the dentist in Richmond?

We all have busy lives so it can be tough to find the time to fit things in when you aren’t sure they are necessary. If you find yourself asking the question ‘do I need to visit the dentist in Richmond?’, you may find the answer here.

If you find that you do need to visit the dentist in Richmond, we look forward to welcoming you at Sheen Dental. Our admin staff are here to help you arrange a convenient appointment time and to guide you through the different processes associated with dental care.

Do you need a check-up?

It is best for you to have a check-up every 6 months. This is regular enough to pick up on minor issues before they become serious. If you have any ongoing issues, like gum disease, your dentist at Sheen Dental may suggest that you visit more frequently for a few appointments. This is so that they can support your teeth while the issue is healing.

Does your child need dental care?

Children need dental care from an early age. Once they start to get teeth coming through, they can benefit from a visit to the dentist. Not only does this allow their progress to be professionally monitored, but it also gets them used to visiting the dentist. Studies show that children who visit the dentist early are more likely to feel comfortable doing so as they grow up.

Do you have an issue?

Look out for signs that you have an ongoing dental issue. These might include:

  • sensitive teeth

  • bleeding or sore gums

  • bad breath

  • pain

  • loose or otherwise injured teeth.

Call us as soon as possible after you notice anything that could be a problem. As with many health issues, dental problems can get worse quite quickly once they exist. What starts out as a minor issue with a quick fix can soon turn into a major problem that requires extensive work.

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to problems with your teeth. With the ongoing advice and support of Sheen Dental, we hope you will have a bright and healthy smile for life.


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