It takes a different approach to ensure that children’s teeth are appropriately cared for and monitored by a dentist Richmond. This is because children develop swiftly during the relatively few years they remain young and each stage of the development, whether it be emotional or physical, needs to be accounted for and reacted to in the best possible way.
Nobody knows their child better than their parents do and a dentist Richmond recognises this, taking quick note of the manner in which to approach any given situation. This might mean that the examination of a child’s mouth is done quickly at first before any discussion takes place or perhaps time is put aside at the beginning of the appointment to talk a child through what they are going to experience.
It has been found that the more often a child attends regular dental examinations, the more relaxed they are about the experience and therefore the less likely they are to present with any element of dental fear. Often, dental fear stems from something they have heard from other individuals or a feeling they have picked up from those they look up to. There are also instances of an unpleasant experience that they have had or something they have witnessed which can contribute to this fear.
The more we work together with parents to eliminate these negative feelings, the better outcomes we can see both for the child in the present time and in their future, knowing that they will more likely continue the habit of visiting their dentist Richmond throughout adulthood.
When should I bring my child in for their first examination?
We suggest the earlier the better, but after their first tooth erupts. Certainly, if you are able to make the time to see us before or around your infant’s first birthday, then we can spend some time with you talking through what is best for your child at this stage and begin a positive relationship with them.
At this young age, we will simply let your little one become accustomed to the sights and smells of the dental practice and have a quick feel around in their mouth before answering any questions that you may have.
As your child begins to routinely come in to visit us, they can become familiarized with the situation and perhaps even enjoy showing us their wonderful white teeth and telling us about how they brush them.
What treatments can we do?
Some children develop cavities in their milk teeth, either due to poor oral hygiene, tooth deformities or a combination of many factors. We respond to these swiftly to protect the integrity not only of these young teeth, but their developing adult teeth as well.
We teach caregivers and children how to brush young teeth correctly and explain the importance behind doing this twice a day. We also protect young teeth from cavities through fluoride applications and fissure sealants which strengthen and protect teeth that are sometimes not cleaned as accurately as they could be, especially in hard to reach places.